Friday, January 1, 2010

Whole Foods 101

When you walk through the doors of Whole Foods, you are immediately drawn to all the fresh produce which is mostly supplied by local farmers. Whole Foods sets a very high standard for all their products including natural and organic items.

However, being such a frugal shopper, I'm aware of the higher prices compared to other grocery stores. Being the savvy shopper that I am, I have come up with several ways to get my "fix" and not blow the bank at the same time.

Whole Foods has weekly sales that start every Wednesday, but do not end until the following Thursday which means that there are double sale items on Wednesdays. You can pick up a sales flyer at the front door or check online HERE.

The Whole Deal is a mini magazine, that you can pick up at Whole Foods, that is filled with coupons, recipes, and all sorts of money saving tips for shopping at their store. You can find these at the front door or download HERE online. You can use these coupons along with a manufacter's coupons to save even more.

Buying bulk spices and staple items can save you lots of money. Since spices are only at their peak freshness for about 6 months and can be very pricey, you can buy the 2 Tbsp. of Cumin that you need for a recipe in their bulk section. This is good for any spice that you don't use very often. They also sell bulk staple items such as rice, oatmeal, beans, etc. Since there is no packaging involved, the prices are lower than many packaged items in other stores. You can use mason jars or other sealed storage to keep them fresh.

Their fresh baked breads are also a hit! You can get a Bread Card at the register and each time you purchase a fresh loaf from their bakery, they will stamp your card. Make sure to keep this card in your wallet, because you will receive your sixth loaf FREE wyb 5!!!

Here's one for the kiddos:
If you ask at the front desk, you can get a FREE snack for the kids while you shop. They always have a great variety including juice, cereal bars, fruit snacks and much more. This will keep the kids happy while you shop!

And last but not least, check out the postings for Whole Foods coupon matchups, so you can have a plan before your shopping trip, if you can restrain yourself!!

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